At Nixor College we feel that the art of public speaking is an essential asset for students’ academic and professional development. Hence, a significant amount of time and resources have been allocated for this training throughout the year.
Public Speaking is an optional elective aimed at enhancing student’s oratory skills. The class is divided into 3 components: The first section comprises of the novice class where the initial aim is to help students overcome the fear of articulating a cohesive and structured argument in a clear manner. Once this milestone is achieved, they are ready to enter the intermediate level in which students are trained in the different forms and styles of public speaking and introduced to the extempo style of speaking. After exposure and experience to public speaking in a variety of styles, students are promoted to the advanced class where their skills in public speaking is further enhanced and they are trained for various forms of debates such asparliamentary debates, Mock United Nations and declamations.
Nixor’s public speaking class is perhaps the most popular enrichment class to date. The coaches are young and experienced in several styles and formats of debate, and the sessions are lively and active, with 3 or more hours flying by in every class. Topics ranging from Iran’s nuclear program to the legality of the use of euthanasia to whether men trump women are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the MUN style of debating. Nixor’s emphasis on community is particularly evident in the debate team’s attitude. Experienced students spend time coaching other students in stylistic debate and methods of research before all major competitions. Nixor’s debate team is reputed to be one of the best in Pakistan, with just four to five years of experience behind them.
2 Best Delegate Awards; 2 Hon. Mentions
2 Best Delegate Awards; 3 Hon. Mentions
Runners up; 7 Outstanding Diplomacy Awards; 3 Hon. Mentions
4 Best Delegate Awards; 7 Hon. Mentions
8 Best Delegate Awards; 6 Hon. Mentions
2 Best Delegate Awards
6 Best Delegate Awards
5 Best Delegate Awards
5 Best Delegate Awards; 1 Hon. Mention; 1 Position Paper
Runners up; 6 OUtstanding Diplomacy Awards
Runners up; 6 Outstanding Diplomacy Awards; 3 Hon. Mentions